October 30, 2019, 7:13 am

This is our first update in 2018 and while this patch may not seem too exciting, it’s because we spent a lot time cleaning up underlining code to facilitate better updates for the future. We hope you do like any of the changes and updates that have been added thus far.

A big thing we’ve added to TTS is Discord integration, so you can see what game your friends are playing, what they are hosting and the number of seats available, and much more. Hope you enjoy!

Discord Integration
  • You can now click on a user in Discord and see what game they are playing within TTS.
  • You can see when players are hosting a game, the number of seats available and their color.
  • You can also see how long that particular session has been going as well as if they are in singleplayer or multiplayer.
DLC Battle For Souls Update
  • Fixed bouncing rulebook when changing states.
  • Added info to the Notebook.
  • Made background objects non-interactable.
Scripting Improvements
  • Added custom deck setCustomObject() and getCustomObject() support.
  • Fixed takeObject() collision issue with concave colliders.
  • Fixed sync input fields on late joining people.
  • Fixed null reference with Player.getSelectedObjects().
  • getCustomObject() will return a list of these keys because it could be multiple decks combined:
  • string face, bool unique_back, string back, int width, int height, int number, bool sideways, bool back_is_hidden
Chat Improvements
  • Added a ‘System’ tab console (icon is a tilde ~).
  • This gives better user experience with errors and reports for players.
  • Color of chat window will be different to differentiate between this tab and the others.
Hotkey Improvements

Added hotkeys to toggle UI elements on and off:

  • ctrl-f1: Tools
  • ctrl-f2: Top Menu
  • ctrl-f3: Players
  • ctrl-f4: Notepad
  • ctrl-f5: Chat
  • You can now modify custom decks with by reopening the custom menu.
  • Enter key now works in password dialog.
  • Duplicate errors logged to any chat tab now collate, rather than spamming the chat box.
  • Fixed issue with Text editor text invisible when it has too many characters.
  • Fixed bug with 3d pointer sometimes not showing up onscreen hands.
  • Fixed DLC custom assetbundle textures not getting converted correctly by making the secondary bundle load first.
  • Fix chat settings and host server UI overlap.
  • Fixed chat yellow indicator disappearing for all tabs when changing tabs.
  • Fixed global chat history being lost when exiting to main menu.


  • Had to reset saved settings to fix keybind issue.
  • Fixed system console hotkey activating when typing in input field.
  • Fixed being unable to rebind the system console hotkeys.
  • Fixed translations being activated when they aren't ready.
  • Fixed lua takeObject() breaking with grid and snap points.